I found a job!

When I walked into Burger King, Travis, the man I gave my application to, asked me to come into his office, so I did. Travis then said "Hi! My name is Travis," which I already knew since I read it on his name tag, so I guess he either forgot he was wearing it, or maybe he's retarded, which gave me second thoughts about working there, because I don't know how to take care of him!
Anyway, Travis then said "Son, have you ever worked fast food before," so I said "No." He then said "It's easy, a monkey can do it, except we will pay you $7.99 an hour," which made me so happy, because that's almost 8 dollars, just wonder what monkeys make?
Travis then said "How about starting this Wednesday?" so I said "Thanks!" He then said "You'll be cleaning up front first, then maybe work in the back," which didn't sound to good, because I didn't want to clean behind the building, but I said ok since I was happy to find a job.
I'm so nerves about my first day at work tomorrow! Wish me luck everybody, specially if that scary King is there, because I might quit!
Congratulations RC, now just wait till you are taking those orders for burgers anyway you want them----or you might even be cooking them:)
I know you are going to do great and have fun as well.
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